Bearing the Future's News  [Spring edition 2012]

France and the way of violence.

Saturn is bordering between Scorpio and Libra. The time has come again for French aggression. It is a time where France believes it has business to do in the Middle-east, Africa and Asia, and even faces violence at home. Official US and UK points of interest suffer part of the damage (source: 1894, 1924, 1953, 1983). Protests and strikes form a background noise to all of this, with people complaining about austerity meassures (source: 1953). The emotions are deepend by a re-election of Sarkozy (source: 1894, 1924), who most likely will want to put more emphazis on Strasbourg as the capital of Europe (source: 1953). Interestingly, nearer to the summer the planet Neptune dictates a very old cycle in which France occupied Rome (source: 1850). Out of this same cycle follows all news regarding French banks, will they continue to survive? The end of summer brings vibrations of Uranus, a tough time for most of the world, France will be no exception (source: 1929).

The USA and their in(ter)ventions

Saturn plays a strong role in technological advances coming out of the US, both for the private market (1894, 1924, 1953, 1983), as for millitary purposes. Echoes of a shield system are likely (source: 1983). But, let us just hope that echoes of a hydrogen bomb or weaponary drugs/gas will not be announced (source: 1924, 1953). The US has in past cycles of Saturn played a role in settling some pacts in the Middle-east, even overthrowing an Iranian leader (source 1983, 1953). But the economic stability will also be dictated by echoes of Uranus (source: 1929). Economic conditions are amplified by strikes under Saturn (source: 1894)

Saturn and the Russian leadership

Russia has elections coming up. When Saturn was in this change of signs, the Russian leadership changed to Khrushchev, entering the last leg of Soviet rule (source: 1953). Lenin died (source: 1924), and this cycle also saw the coming of the last Tzar Nicholas II (source: 1894). Will Putin be re-elected and is Russia entering the final stage of his era? If so, what kind of management style can Russia look forward to in the future?

The greeks love their independence

Is it a coincidence that the Greeks announce their independence under Saturn's Scorpio/Libra influence (source: 1924)? And, for that matter, that they previously had their Olympic games hijacked by the French (source: 1894)? Would it be correct to ignore the call of independence by Turkish Cyprus? (source: 1983)

See the full EURUSD forecast.   

Saturn's cycles for spring 2012
Saturn is changing signs between Scorpio and Libra. At the same time Saturn is starting and ending a Retrograde motion, making it's stay here a long one.

Neptune's cycles
Neptune is also changing sign between Aquarius and Pisces.

Uranus' cycles
Uranus is also changing sign between Pisces and Aries.

Just as the forecasts of EURUSD, the forecasts presented here on the news are purely speculative. We possess no knowledge of the future, we just think it is remarkable how history seems to repeat itself in cycles. We just wanted to bring this to your attention in an entertaining way. This also means that whatever we say can happen, but most likely will not happen as stated, so there is really no point in starting to shout things about charlatans etcetera, it is not our goal to predict. On top of this we would like to mention that, unfortunately, news rarely covers positivity and hence the tone of this site. All sources of years refer to Wikipedia pages under the same year.

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